Luxury Healer Inner Circle
with Colleen Gallagher

What Is This Inner Circle & Why Join?

Did you always know you were meant to be a healer yet your nervous 
about how the money will come? 

Why to Start Acting Like A Luxury Healer

Learn How to Get Paid to Be You

A Live Example at a Retreat of the Cosmic Channeled Meditation. 
What to Expect

Hi, I am Colleen and I am here as your guide, oracle and gateway to begin or deepen your journey as a leader in the Luxury Healer space. Meaning you own that you are here to empower people transform their lives to be happier, healthier, and live into their divine Soul purpose and get paid to do it.

I am many things including yet not limited to an Intuitive, Cancer-Survivor, Podcast Host, Global Citizen, Published Author of Books, Educator, and Passionate About Empowering People to Gain Clarity On Their Purpose, as well as pursuing my Ph.D. in Psychology

My most tremendous success is seeing my clients become empowered to create lifestyles that transform their lives and change the world. This is my inner circle where I offer other new-age leaders, magical people, those designing to grow their community and practice in the online space, healers, and activators access to my work and wisdom at a low investment. The intention is to empower people to deepen their spiritual practices, understand the power of expression to attract opportunities, and take calculated action toward growing a sustainable impact and income.

Hello and Welcome!

If you have found this page it is an absolute Divine Alginment.

Because what I know about you is you deeply desire to help others in this world (which means you are a healer) and you desire to create a lifestyle career out of it.

Yet see there are two types of healers, just as there are two types of doctors. There are the ones you trust and the ones that “try” to heal, “try” to do good yet never quite get there. Usually, the best doctors have a waiting list even to get in to see them. The most profound healers again don’t easily get access to talk and share space with them. 
You get to show up in the process and be involved in communities that already emit the frequency that allow you to be around people that expand your mind and heart. 

If you want to live a life with freedom and bliss where you aren’t “busy” over-achieving or wondering when everything will get better, you must choose to create the space to stop putting yourself in specific environments and say yes to allowing yourself to be in settings you want to be in. I remember working in corporate, showing up day in and day out to meetings talking about electric equipment and energy distribution, and I could have cared less about those products. Sure, I was covering multi-million dollar territories, yet my Soul, what was inside of me, was dying every day.  And now, every day, I don’t talk on the phone doing sales calls. I don’t do or see or speak to anyone I don’t want to. Yet every day, I change 100s of people's lives, some seen and some unseen. Yet, I’ve tapped into knowing what it means to be a Luxury Healer and creating a brand around who you be, what you represent, and receiving multiple streams of income from that. So I decided I wanted to make my mindset, ability to create, and knowledge on online marketing more accessible, so I’m starting a Luxury Healer Inner Circle.

This inner circle is for you if, deep down, you know you are a healer, yet you haven’t fully claimed it. You know you're meant to live at a high level and have a waiting list of clients lining up to receive your frequency. This is for you if you want to start and deepen your meditation and spiritual practice. You already know all the tactical business things. You’ve already achieved the things, yet your ready to unleash your true identity into this world. I’ve curated this luxury online environment so you can receive directly from my energy anywhere in the world and be part of a luxury community where everything we do is with grace, Spirituality-Led, elegance, impact, receiving income by being you, and high-end vibes.

This Luxury Healer Inner Circle has been created for those of you who are

  • High-Achieving 
  • ​Driven
  • ​​Mystical & Magical
  • ​Intuitive

Yet you struggle with

  • Believing in yourself because you feel alone and like no one can understanding you
  • ​Trusting your innate abilities and gifts to deliver value to the world, heal people and receive income from it 
  • ​Feelings of anxiety and/or depression 
  • ​Feeling accepted by others
  • ​Believing you can create a MASSIVE career by healing and helping others
  • ​Money mindset and creating a brand in the digital world
  • ​Doing business as it relates to your passion project and purpose work

That is why I created The Luxury Healer Inner Circle for you to have Community, Activations, and Access to me to Support you On the Journey to living your purpose filled luxury lifestyle. As the MAIN reason I've created success was getting into micro-communities like this with people I admired and going through activations, attending live Q&As and learning I can absolutely monetizing my gifts to heal myself and this world, and in truth create my own modern-day fairytale. Now it's time to support you in making this happen for you 

What's included in The Luxury Healer Inner Circle

See What Past Members Say

A little more about me. I has. I survived childhood thyroid cancer. I have visited more than 40 countries, lived in 5 countries, 5 USA states, andbeen a sales engineer covering multi-million dollar terriorites for a $23 billion company and a $400 million company.  I hold a BA in marketing from Michigan State University and an MS in global technology and development.

My mission is to educate and empower people so they can make a massive impact upon humanity by simply being them.

I am excited to join forces with you in The Luxury Healer Inner Circle and grow together, as you remember the magical healing superpowers that you hold within you, and create a lifestyle career from it


What is The Luxury Healer Inner Circle 
The Luxury Healer Inner Circle is an online portal that allows you experience direct access to all the business mindset and spirituality practices that Colleen Gallagher International offers. You get to be connected with our community through live monthly calls, a private Community group, and so much more! And you get access to all past recordings and calls from the online membership portal.  All you need is Wi-Fi and a phone or computer to be connected.
Is this membership for me?
If you are someone who desires to create or deepen your Luxury Healer Lifestyle Career this is for you. 
We cover spiritual, business mindset, and social media mindset practices in order to excel in your relationships, business, health, love and every other area of your life, yes this is for you. No prior experience or background is necessary, this membership will transform your life if you let it.  If you are someone more experienced in business and spirituality, this will be a great resource to strengthen your connection with new practices and teachings. 
Can I cancel my membership?
Yes! Just email us and let us know before your subscription is up that you would like to cancel, 
and we will take you out. 
How is the magical membership delivered?
It is delivered through an online portal. You can enjoy access to content on your phone, tablet, or computer. All you need is an internet connection! Members have access to all past recordings, and the dates and times change every month to fit time zones.
How much time does it take?
There is absolutely no homework and no time requirements. Simply show up if you want or watch the recordings wen you feel called. Youchoose to listen, practice and incorporate whatever you want into your life as much or as little as you desire. The time commitment is totally up to you!